We are a group of citizens engaged in the creation and organization of a Parallel National Assembly. Our determination aims to create a pressure force to regain our freedoms and impose justice, truth and the idea of national community. Democracy is a political regime in which the national people are sovereign as specified in our Constitution. We have the right and the duty to regain our sovereignty against the enemies of France.
The expression "parallel" was chosen to avoid using the word popular, which in some minds has a Marxist connotation. But in spirit, it is a popular National Assembly in the sense of a people Nation. Those who have brought us to ruin are not able to save us, and continue their work of destroying society. To do this, they attack the economy, social balance and moral values. It is up to the French to take matters into their own hands. Let us build a credible and positive alternative. The Nation, its language and its flag, Christian culture, the original Constitution of 1958, are the unifying values of the parallel national assembly project that we are leading. To regain power currently in the hands of a minority that relies on complicit elected officials, it is necessary to build a parallel National Assembly, based on citizen participation and transparency. By building such a parallel structure, we re-establish direct democracy, return power to the people, and prepare a serious alternative to a corrupt central power. Together, let's build a future where every voice counts and where social justice becomes a reality again. From the left, the right, environmentalists, middle classes, and sovereignists, we can build a more equitable society where everyone will have their place. As the French flag reminds us, unity in diversity is our strength.
La Constitution originelle
Les révisions, y compris les propositions abandonnées
Schéma chronologique des modifications de la Constitution :
La responsabilité du président