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Citizens meet locally and designate 3 deputies and 3 substitutes per constituency. Individuals can apply for the position without a collective. In both cases, each candidate must collect the sponsorship of 250 local citizens. There can only be 3 deputies and 3 substitutes per constituency. Also, in the event of multiple candidacies, a constituency assembly must be held to elect the representatives. (Each local collective remains independent so that if the structure were attacked, it could be easily rebuilt.) Possible local actions concern monitoring the activities of elected officials and administrations and also freely choose any action that the collectives deem useful (security, food, school, health). But above all, to drive out the corruption of morals, ideas, anti-ecological practices, among elected officials, ... The erection of popular courts or theatrical plays ridiculing local elected officials, everything is possible. The elected representatives of the constituencies form a departmental coordination whose first role is to elect a representative and a substitute to send them to the National Assembly. The second role is to organize debates and departmental actions if necessary. The third role is to elect from among them a Council of Elders who will be responsible for the proper democratic functioning in the department of the various collectives and assemblies. Citizens reappropriate the democratic power that the founding texts of the Republic confer on us and which is the essence of democracy. In the collectives, assemblies, coordinations and councils, the Ric will apply, in particular the revocatory. (warning, fine or revocation). It is the ANP, true representatives of the people who have the power. It adopts a provisional organization for the start but can change it. The National Coordination (council of elders) whose members are elected by the ANP, has the role of maintaining the objectives that govern the constitution of this general organization. They ensure compliance with rules and ethics. The CCN has a role as guardian of the "constitution".

Etapes pour la mise en place des Conseils et de l'ANP

  • creation or membership of local collectives

  • election of a Council made up of at least 3 people and a college of administrative co-presidents (for the management and recording of votes)

  • election of people valid if majority of 2/3 AND an opposition lower than ¼

  • revocation of elected officials possible. Request for revocable RIC accepted with ¼ of the members. Revocation pronounced if it obtains ¾ of the votes of the members and less than 1/5 of opposing opinions.

  • The elected officials of the same constituency elect 3 deputies and 3 substitutes following the same voting rules. They are revocable. They can constitute a Council of the constituency.

  • The deputies and substitutes of the department constitute the Departmental Council. They are revocable by their base. A revocable RIC can be requested for one of them by the members of the Council.

  • They elect a deputy and a substitute to represent the department in the ANP. They are revocable.

  • Each Council is responsible for the democratic functioning of the collectives. Each Council of the level above is responsible for the democratic functioning of the collectives and the lower Councils. The Councils only intervene to ensure compliance with democratic functioning, the stated voting rules and to resolve conflicts.

  • Special cases:
    representativeness of blank votes and abstentions expressed. They are counted as having voted both for and against.

  • Choice of local collectives for a draw. This is possible provided that a vote validates this draw and that this vote respects the stated voting rules.

  • Rules for speaking:
    each point of view can and must be expressed. This implies that speaking time is distributed fairly.

  • When someone speaks, they present their point of view. He cannot criticize a speaker or use political formulas such that I would be pragmatic, or I am realistic ... We cannot say that what the other says is false but we say we have another point of view and justify it. Finally, we cannot interrupt a speaker unless he does not respect the principles expressed above.

  • Selection criteria for members:
    Clean criminal record or subject to the assessment of the collective and the Councils.

  • French nationality, no dual nationality

  • filing a tax return in France

  • commitment to respect the rules of the ANP, to use only the French language without foreign expressions, to help each other between members, to be a whistleblower, to participate according to one's means, and above all to respect the fact that there are different opinions AND that they can be expressed.

  • Practical advice: - in order to avoid paperwork and work, a monthly meeting at a regular date and time, in a usual place is desirable. This avoids summons. General CRs are not essential for these same reasons. - in order to be able to think before voting or to go back on a vote, delays are desirable. Except in cases of emergency, a vote can take place one month after the exchanges. Going back on a vote is possible by respecting the rules set out above for elections and the RIC.

  • The Councils have several names. Coordination is another. The spirit of these Councils is that they act as a council of wise men, as in any traditional society. They are responsible for the life of democracy in the groups and act accordingly.

Plan d'action

Phase I

  • création d'un secrétariat national chargé uniquement de gérer la partie administrative, 5 membres ( pouvant augmenter au fur et à mesure des besoins). Critères : attestation sur l'honneur de non condamnation ou production d'un extrait de casier judiciaire.

  • création du Conseil National ( provisoire) , 10 membres. Critères de sélection : production d'un CV politique, forte disponibilité, français non bi-national, extrait de casier judiciaire vierge ( ou attestation sur l'honneur), avoir de préférence plus de 60 ans et moins de 80, candidature étudiée par le Conseil avec discussion et vote .


Phase II

- diffusion dans les collectifs locaux et par les collectifs locaux à la population - réception des inscriptions des collectifs par le secrétariat national Les inscriptions précisent la circonscription législative où se trouve le collectif. - Les collectifs s'engagent à respecter :

  • l'organisation démocratique proposée,

  • la création d'un bureau administratif et d'un Conseil des sages,

  • les modes de scrutin et les critères d'éligibilité

Phase III - Le secrétariat met en relation les collectifs de la même circonscription Ceux ci élisent 3 députés et 3 suppléants. Chaque candidat doit présenter en plus des documents et justificatifs une liste de 20 parrains ( 10 pour les suppléants). Le résultat est communiqué au secrétariat national.

- Le secrétariat national communique aux députés et suppléants des circonscriptions du département les liens nécessaires pour qu'ils se retrouvent et élisent un député et un suppléant parmi eux, qui les représentera à l'ANP ( en respectant toujours les règles prévues : système de vote spécifique, non bi-national, extrait de casier judiciaire vierge( ou attestation sur l'honneur) . Le député départemental ne fait plus partie du Conseil départemental.

Phase IV

- Les députés et suppléants des circonscriptions deviennent un conseil départemental chargé de faire respecter la démocratie dans les collectifs et de régler tous les différents pouvant surgir. Ils sont révocables par la circonscription qui les a élu ET par les autres membres du Conseil ( RIC) . Dans ce dernier cas, le Conseil national doit être préalablement avisé et doit superviser le bon déroulement démocratique.

Phase V

Rassemblement des députés et des suppléants en ANP. ( seuls les députés discutent et votent) Les membres du Conseil organisent les débats. Le secrétariat national prend en note les débats pour les diffuser aux collectifs locaux.

Élection d'un bureau administratif de 3 co-présidents et de 3 suppléants

Installation du bureau qui prend la direction de l'ANP et de la séance.

élection d'un Conseil en remplacement de l'ancien ( 10 membres de l'ANP) Les élus au Conseil perdent leur statut de député. Les circonscriptions desquelles ils sont issus éliront de nouveaux députés pour les remplacer. Le secrétariat national interviendra pour informer les Conseils départementaux et les circonscriptions concernés . (Les membres du bureau et du Conseil sont révocables par RIC. )

Déclaration d'intention de l'ANP sur propositions des députés. Vote.

Vote pour la date de la prochaine assemblée ainsi que de l'ordre du jour ( les députés ont la charge de recueillir préalablement les volontés de leurs électeurs).



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